Literacy Narratives
Alexandria Andrews, “Literacy Narrative”
Michelle Calzada, “What Does the Equal Sign Mean?”
Citlaly Hernandez Duran, “Speaking Spanglish”
Robert De Dios, “My Journey into Drumming Literacy”
Sydney Harris, “Thank You, Mom and Brontèˆ
Amber Lee, “The Smoke Signal”
Karina Masalkova, “Literacy Narrative”
Chiara Miranda, “Living Picture Narrative”
Isis Vasquez, “Thank You, Mr. Hosseini”
Academic Research Projects
Kate Everhardt, “Manetti Shrem Museum Student Coalition”
Estefania Maravillas, “Self-Assessment by the Putah Creek Nestbox Highway Project through Use of Data”
Sarah Moore, “The Effects of Incorporating Animals into Occupational Therapy for Children with Autism”
Robb Ridgley, “Arguing Without an End: The History Discourse Community”
Sydney Schurer, Equestrianism in the United States
Multimodal Compositions
Ritchelle Andal, “Podcast: Whole Earth Festival”
Caroline Mullins, “Wikipedia Entry: Poolesville Day”
Cathy Nguyen, “Wikipedia Entry: Colourpop Cosmetics”