
Readings about Writing is a quarterly journal of work from students in UWP1 and UWP1Y, the University Writing Program’s first-year composition courses at UC Davis. The journal reflects the first-year composition program’s “Writing about Writing” approach. Student compositions focus on literacy topics, including literacy narratives, advice for college reading and writing, and primary and secondary research on literacies. Students in UWP1 read and compose not only in print but also in visual, oral, and digital modes to help them prepare for 21st century literacies.

Click on the link on the right for the archived editions of Readings about Writing.

Submission Guidelines

Readings About Writing accepts  submissions of UC Davis student composing projects from UWP1 or UWP1Y courses. Work must be submitted by the UWP1/1Y instructor. Instructors can submit up to three student projects each quarter, including summer sessions. We accept composing projects in any genre, mode, and medium. Submissions should be sent to readingsaboutwriting@ucdavis.edu