Fall 2024

Literacy Narratives

Joy Adeyemo, “The Library: A Tiny Seed of Stories that Cultivated My Literacy

Jimena Diaz, “My Best Friend, Procrastination

Jiayi Ding, “Literacy Narrative

Zijian Zhao, “Interminable English Journey

Academic Research Articles

Long Long, “The Impact of Loanwords on English Precision, Acceptance, Competitiveness, and
Dominance in a Globalized World

Kesar Sidhu, “Research Paper

Dan Tran, “Sakura’s Subordination: Analyzing Gender Bias and Character Development in Naruto

Lexi Xia, “The Invisible Discrimination on LGBTQIA+ in the Context of Heterosexual Hegemony

Messages in Multiple Modes

Jaya Hanning, “Messages in Multiple Modes” and “Messages in Multiple Modes Reflection